Meet Your Coach

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Hi, I'm Lorraine

Everyone’s success story has pivotal points where they are given the opportunity to change their own trajectory. Sometimes it’s positive and easy, other times it’s uncomfortable and traumatic.

But one thing I know, is your STORY is important, and the direction it takes is a decision only you can make.

For millennia humans sat around crackling fires, sharing stories as a way to maintain our history, knowledge and wisdom.

Today, we're still intrigued by story as we stream movies, watch videos, listen to podcasts and interact with other social media.

As events in the world around us unfold with different twists and perceptions, story expresses our collective and individual fears, dreams, desires and expectations.

Story is what makes life comprehensive, adaptable, transformed, and I want to hear yours.

If we don't already have a time set to connect, let's find a good time to talk.

In keeping with tradition - for those who are curious - here's a little about my story...

For most of my life, I didn't comprehend the significance of one particular event, because as a child, there were lots of things going on that I didn't know.

This event happened three months before I was born, and no one could have been aware of how it would affect all my decisions and relationships.

One unusually sunny day in London England in early 1962, my grandfather decided to ride his bike to work. Riding his bike to work was not unusual, but what made this day different from all the others, was that he didn't come home.

As he navigated the busy streets of London, my grandfather was hit by a double-decker bus. The world changed in an instant.

Nothing in my family was ever going to be the same.

Growing in my Mother's womb, my little body was flooded with her grief. 😭

And although the family were devastated by their loss, they looked forward to my arrival. It was as if the young me was to be a beacon of light - a saviour to distract them from their sadness and stress.

This circumstance allowed a belief to take root: I am responsible for ensuring everyone around me feels 'safe and happy'.

The role of 'Saviour' was given to me by my family, and it influenced every thought, action and behaviour from the moment I was born.

[ Are you aware of the role(s) you were given in your family? 🤔 ]

This resulted in running myself ragged for many years. I found hundreds of different ways to look after others, all the while not daring to express my own needs for fear of upsetting someone, or being judged: "Selfish"

I acted as most 'golden children', by accelerating in school. I knew how to play my part.

I was expected to do well, look after others, and do it in a way that kept me from being seen or heard. This was the doing of an inner Pleaser Saboteur, the ran my life. I felt so alone.

To make matters worse, I had a Hyper-Achiever Saboteur lying about nothing being ever 'good enough' and a strong Controller Saboteur telling me that nothing would work out if I let others take control.

There was no "room" in life to talk about my feelings of stress, worry, or overwhelm. I was too busy looking after the well-being of others. AND, since I couldn't express my feelings, or accept help offered by others:

  • - as a teenager, I battled depression

  • - as an adult, the evidence of those battles showed up as ruined relationships, poor health choices, and an inability to feel satisfied or 'happy'

Thankfully, my story doesn't end there...

A good friend recognized my struggles and introduced me to a non-judgmental Coach/Therapist. She was able to help me understand how the role of 'Saviour' translated into self-sabotage, resentment, and exhaustion.

[ Do you ever wonder what causes the stress in YOUR life? ]

Although I found it challenging to work through my hidden burdens and blind spots, it was doing that inner work that helped me to clear the clutter in my mind, so I could begin to heal.

Thankfully, today I live a different story.

  • - The negative voices that whisper in the back of my mind have become weaker, so I live can live more purposefully.

  • - I have a set of anywhere, anytime tools to use that help me uplift my mood, lower stress and deepen relationships, whenever I choose.

  • - With the greater peace of mind, I enjoy the freedom to live in a more authentic way, as I express what I need, and give as well as receive.

  • - Using my wisdom and intuition, I can listen to the stories of others and provide support, without the need to 'save' any one.

Of course, this is only a small part of my story. What's different now, is that I approach life with more confidence, wisdom, insight, and discernment as each day I weaken the influences of my inner Saboteurs.

Personal experience is one reason my Coaching is so effective, and why I help you experience deeper relationships and achieve the success in your personal life. Together, I believe we will identify and release the heavy uncomfortable stuff that's holding YOU back.

What I know is that it's my Calling to help you unlock your hidden potential and illuminate your blind spots, because I've benefited from the wise counsel of my Mentors and Coaches, and...

[ I trust you've found yours! 😀 ]

Thanks for checking out my story.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you!

Sending Only Goodness,


Lorraine lives in a lovely area of Ontario, Canada with her partner and step-daughter with special needs, who share their space with two very friendly, furry-felines.

Seven Key Advantages of Working With Lorraine

1. Knowledgeable, Experienced & Professional - formerly a teacher and leader in Education, she combines her degrees with additional training in coaching, clearing inner beliefs, trauma recovery and hypnotherapy. She has extensive knowledge about the brain works and the transformation needed for your best results

2. Fully Insured & a Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists - she's covered, accountable, and recognized by the Guild for 'Excellence in Client Results'

3. Client Centered - her uniquely customized programs are delivered in a caring, secure, private, confidential way, with on-going support available between sessions

4. Exclusive Professional Clients - before taking on new clients, she establishes whether there's a good match for working together, so you can have confidence in achieving your goals

5. Session Recordings - when working privately, your session may be recorded. Additional audio recordings for support between sessions may also be made available

6. Online, Flexible Hours - your time zone and personal schedule are accommodated, whenever possible

7. Co-Creates Sessions - each session has a relaxed pace and provides a transformational break from your busy lifestyle, so you maximize your results

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