Are you ready to take control and live an incredible life?

All you need is a Paradigm Shift

Did you know...

We are driven to DO MORE to feel lovable and ACHIEVE MORE to feel worthy. Science has proven the unconscious mind drives 90% of our decisions based on these needs. Remnants of old programming makes us feel less-than and out of control.

We get trapped in a vicious cycle because as children we navigated the inconsistencies between our unconscious desires and the necessity for support to survive. Family roles and beliefs were indoctrinated, without choice.

Today, we continue to live what we learned. Working hard. Doing what's expected. Constantly fearing falling short of the goals. When we compare ourselves to others, we feel like an Imposter. Unfortunately, many are painfully unaware of how the past influences their desires and choices.

Imagine if you were no longer...

  • Worried about ridicule or criticism.

  • Setting aside your dreams and desires to please others.

  • Subjected to the nagging whispers in your mind that say you're unworthy, unsafe, unloved, or don't matter.

  • Feeling numb or disconnected from others.

  • Hiding from the world, feeling like a fraud or imposter.

  • Empty inside, like something is missing.

  • Believing yourself to be inadequate or second-guessing yourself and living with the ache of self-doubt.

Science has discovered the extraordinary neuroplasticity of the human brain, making it possible to reform neural networks and build connections between the conscious and unconscious that supports new perceptions and choices.

Age is not the deciding factor that limits our capacity to grow.

This is good news!

We know YOU are MUCH more powerful than you have been led to believe!

If you're ready to move decisively towards your goals and maximize your results... experience a PARADIGM SHIFT.

A Paradigm Shift

The change you want can be yours with a customized, personal breakthrough experience, which includes the power of combining:

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Time Line Therapy®

  • Somatic Coaching

  • Energy Work

  • Past Life Exploration

  • Hypnotherapy and/or EMDR

  • Internal Parts Integrated into Wholeness

  • Release of Intergenerational Trauma

    ...and more

In this signature program, you'll discover profound learnings and access your inner wisdom for rebuilding the trust between your conscious and unconscious minds. As you improve the alliance between your head & heart, you achieve synergy and a sense of fulfillment that you were born to achieve.

Are you ready to feel EMPOWERED?

With renewed energy and perception, you can:

...transform relationships

...develop a clear, strategic action plan

...accomplish goals to match your definition of success

Finally, you become free to receive all you desire and deserve.

What Happens In The Sessions?

First, we get your mind's permission to bring unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors into conscious awareness to begin the resolution process.

Then you receive powerful guidance to release old emotions and limiting decisions. As new understandings are revealed, you recognize new choices and possibilities that you don't even know are available yet.

Transformation occurs by releasing trauma and negating harmful, residual energy within your body, mind, and spirit.

Ultimately, you'll feel calmer, lighter, and more motivated as you move forward.

Sound exciting? Want this?

That's right, of course you do.

Keep reading...

Getting started...

  • You will become your priority for the next few weeks.

  • Recognize this life is not a dress rehearsal; there are no do-overs.

  • Invest the time, energy, and effort because you deserve an incredible, purposeful life filled with adventure, fun, and abundance.

  • Prepare for a 12-15 hour in-depth process - completed over several sessions - typically lasting 1-3 hours.

  • Connect via phone, Zoom, or ask me about a private retreat space. [If online, a few of the processes require a device with a dependable Zoom connection. Sometimes, public libraries provide this service.]

  • Create a comfortable, peaceful oasis in your home to practice mindfulness and 'home-play' (not work) without interruption.


Michael improved his relationships

Sonja improved her business

Limited Time Offer

The Paradigm Shift Breakthrough in one area of life shifts underlying beliefs [notice both words have 'LIE' in them] so you can be rewarded, as you:

  • Up-level to a better version of yourself quickly and effectively

  • Gain greater clarity and new learnings

  • Enjoy a sense of calm, confidence

  • Focus on new opportunities and possibilities

  • Feel inspired and motivated to take your next step forward

After a lifetime of working hard, taking courses, reading blogs, even working through self-help materials in an attempt to do the work independently, you're getting nowhere or not where you want to be.

End the frustration and disappointment with a one-time investment of only $3,500 [for a short time.]

Now take a moment to consider the costs of leaving your blocks and self-sabotage in place.

What has it already cost you in lost opportunities, wasted time, frustrated efforts, disconnected and difficult relationships, and ongoing emotional discomfort?

Be aware... this offer will revert to $5000 again soon!

It's time to up-level your life!

I bring together a unique combination of modalities such as coaching, hypnotherapy, somatic work, mindfulness, visualizations, embodiment, and neurolinguistic programming to produce rapid change and quantum shifts for my clients.

Together we’ll work to get to the heart of what’s really holding you back in life. You’ll learn how to get out of your own way and step into your highest self to unlock a whole new world of possibilities.

Program details...

The Breakthrough Program

Choose ONE area of life:
Career/Business, Finances/Money, Family,

Self-Expression, Intimate Relationships,

Spirituality or Personal Health & Well-Being


  • Your Personal Detailed History and Values Assessment (Value $500)

  • A Breakthrough Plan & Root Cause Coaching (Value $1500)

  • Release of Negative Emotions (Value $1000)

  • Release of Limiting Decisions (Value $1000)

  • Resolution of Internal Conflicts (Value $1000)

  • Review of New Learnings & Strategies (Priceless!)

  • Setting & Anchoring Goals in Your Future

    (Value $800)

Choose the Special: $3500 + save 10%

or make a $500 deposit today

+ two monthly payments of $1675




A gathering of like-minded, accomplished and conscious professionals that meet each month to laugh, play and enjoy intriguing conversation in a fun, casual environment.

Meet quality people who are serious about being in a committed relationship.

Get answers to dating & relationship questions and illuminate your blind spots to more easily recognize your Right Fit person.

success stories:

“Helena was born to be a personal growth coach, because of her natural intuition. She spent many years studying neuroscience and psychology, therefore, she is able to go beyond the surface obstacles that clients present to her and go deeper to find out the sources of unconscious reoccurring barriers to success. Coaching sessions with Helena are enlightening from both personal and professional aspect.”

- Cici McCalman

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Next Level Shifts for Ambitious Leaders & Coaches

A community for like-minded entrepreneurs who want to unlock next-level success and fulfillment.

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